The Sports Medicine field is an overarching field that encompasses knowledge for those interested in any career in the medicine. Sports Medicine teaches about the human body and how to treat countless injuries.
Patient Care 1
Patient Care 2
Sports Medicine: Applied Physiology
Honors Athletic Training

The Emergency Medicine field educates and immerses students into the world of a first responder. Emergency Medicine teaches first aid and basic life support skills similar to an Emergency Medicine Technician or a paramedic.
Patient Care 1
Patient Care 2
Emergency Medicine
Honors Emergency Medical Technician
Course Outline: Sports Medicine & Emergency Medicine
Students who take Sports Medicine will engage in an in-depth study of whole-body anatomy and physiology as a basis for understanding the processes involved in injury treatment, management, and healing. Technical instruction includes an orientation, safety and infection control, communication and interpersonal skills, academic proficiency, and employability skills. Emphasis is placed on: ethical and legal considerations; pharmacology; sports and therapeutic equipment; nutrition and weight management; physical fitness assessment; physical conditioning; emergency preparedness and assessment; infection control; vital signs assessment; basic life support (including AED and CPR); injuries to the tissues; injuries to the head and spine; injuries to the chest and abdomen; environmental conditions; medical conditions; taping and wrapping; therapeutic modalities and physical rehabilitation. Hands-on laboratory experiences are an integral part of the course.
This course is an introduction to Emergency Medical Services. Students will be introduced to the skills required as an emergency medical responder. Students will learn basic medical terminology, abbreviations, medical law and ethics, anatomy and physiology, asepsis, vital signs, documentation procedures and rules, communication, professionalism, first-aid, patient assessment, CPR, teamwork and HIPAA regulations. Students will also be required to successfully complete simulation skills in vehicle extrication, proper use of nasopharyngeal and oralpharyngeal airways, emergency childbirth and suctioning and immobilizing injuries to the skeletal system. This course also gives students a genuine context for the application of the knowledge learned to help patients in the field. This course presents the tools for students to understand the importance of pre-hospital care and delivers a thorough understanding of the proper use of medical equipment necessary to provide appropriate care.
Course Outline:
H Athletic Training and H Health Science Emergency Medicine
Our Sports Medicine and Athletic Training course will provide a foundation in the areas of Anatomy, Physiology, and Kinesiology for students interested in careers such as Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Athletic Training. All of the careers mentioned above require at least an undergraduate degree in competitive majors so early preparation is optimal. This course also focuses on lab methods, critical thinking, problem solving with both an individual and team approach, evaluation of data, presentation skills, and language skills commensurate with and expected from college prep students pursuing a post-secondary education.
This competency-based course is designed to prepare students for entry-level positions into the healthcare industry and the vocabulary to enter any advanced Health Science Pathway course. This is a preparatory course for the EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) program. The course takes students on a fascinating journey beginning with history, future, and components of the emergency system, the well being of the first responders, legal issues, medical terminology, and abbreviations. These concepts are solidifying the foundational knowledge for specific medical emergencies. The course also gives students a genuine context for the application of the knowledge used to help patients in the field. The course presents the tools for students to understand the importance of pre-hospital care and delivers a thorough understanding of the proper use of medical equipment necessary to provide appropriate care. The competencies in this course are aligned with the National Standard Curriculum, Common Core State Standards, and the California Career Technical Education Model Curriculum Standards.
During athletic events, Emergency Medicine students take charge in the event of an emergency. All students are capable of taking blood pressure, assessing vital signs, and assisting the athletic trainer with stabilizing an athlete's condition.